5 blog posts that inspired me this week


So I really love blogs (ha, surprising I know). I’ve been personally encouraged by a few posts this week and I thought they’d be really worth posting. There are truly some incredible writers out there. I hope at least one of these really reaches and helps you in some way.

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I should be engaged, Duly Noted

Honesty time: I clicked on this expecting some pinterest proposal inspo and a rant about singleness. I couldn’t help but be intrigued. However turns out Corinne isn’t desperate for a ring on her finger, but is desperate to be engaged in life. It’s so easy to speed through life without noticing, feeling, experiencing. This is such a powerful reminder to slow down and to be present, it hit me pretty hard.

Celebrate Every Victory – thankful no. 5, Spoonful of Faith

A lovely reminder to appreciate and really experience the small things, even the most mundane day-today occurrences are something to be grateful for. Life is precious.

RHYTHM: My #OneWord365, Rachel Dawson

I’m a big fan of one word defining your year (for the second year running my word is BOLD). Rachel’s is rhythm. She shares some routine’s to find a healthy rhythm to her day. If you feel you’re lacking consistency and balance in your life this is the post for you.  

 Anxiety and Depression, OhhSelah

If you’re looking for an honest beautifully-written account of what it’s like to live with anxiety and depression, here you are. This is probably the most moving God-glorifying thing I’ve read all week. I hope this encouraged someone.

Rejoice, Boldlyinlove

My lovely friend reminded me in this post that there is always a reason to rejoice. I needed this so much this week and know many others do to so thanks my lovely.


Let me know if any of these helped you and feel free to share what blogs you’ve been touched by this week in the comments, I’m always keen to discover and connect with inspiring bloggers!


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